As an Alliance we work together to advance, promote and report on children’s rights.
In 1993, Aotearoa promised to respect and uphold the rights of every child and to take all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures to make children’s rights real.
(United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child or Children’s Convention, Articles 2 and 4).
We are a membership based organisation. Our members are individuals and non-government organisations committed to making children’s rights real in their daily lives here in Aotearoa.
Together, we:
o Promote children’s rights and participation
o Report on progress on children’s rights.
It is our role to lead reporting, from a civil society point of view, on how well the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is being implemented in Aotearoa.
Respect for all people, te Tiriti O Waitangi and children’s rights underpins all that we do.
Reporting on
children’s rights
Every 5 years Aotearoa is required to report on progress on children’s rights - what is going well for children and tamariki, and where improvements are needed.
Aotearoa’s 6th report on children’s rights was released in 2023.
There are a number of ways you can be involved in the next reporting process. You could comment on the Government’s draft report, contribute to the Alliance’s consolidated report, develop a thematic report about your area of interest/expertise, and/or support children, tamariki and rangatahi to report to the UN and participate in the reporting process themselves.
The more of us who take part, the stronger and more effective our reporting will be.
Children’s and tamariki’s views and voices.
Children’s participation is a core principle under the Children’s Convention. Children and tamariki are entitled to know about and be part of the process of realising their rights, influencing decision-making and outcomes.
We are keen to work with our members and friends to support children and tamariki participation in the reporting process. If this is something you would like to be involved in then please let us know. Email info@childrensrightsalliance.org.nz