Become a member
Help to shine a light on children’s rights in Aotearoa so all our mokopuna can live their best lives now and in the future. Making children’s rights real means that whānau are supported and that mokopuna have access to: their language and culture; the highest standard of health; education; support and care; to have the things they need and a say on the things that affect them.
There are a wide range of people in the Alliance - we are a collective of tamariki, rangatahi, adults, families, non‐governmental organisations, professionals, academics, and groups. We all bring different perspectives, learning from each other and united by wanting to advance the rights of children in Aotearoa. Anyone who supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Te Tiriti O Waitangi, and the vision of Children’s Rights Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand is welcome as a member.
As a member, you will:
Connect with others committed to advancing the rights of children and tamariki
Have opportunities to share your insights and learn from others about children’s rights issues
Tap into our network of children’s rights expertise in Aotearoa and internationally
Receive regular updates on children’s rights issues in Aotearoa
Contribute to monitoring of Aotearoa NZ’s progress on implementing children’s rights
Be a part of wider action to advance the rights of children and tamariki.