Join us in Geneva!
The Children’s Rights Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand representing in Geneva at the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s 92nd session, January 2023. Left to right: Jacqui Southey, Andy Jamison, Dr Claire Achmad standing in front of the Palais des Nations, the United Nations’ headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
Next Friday 27 January NZ time, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child will review Aotearoa New Zealand’s progress on children’s rights and we’ll be there!
The Alliance, in our capacity as the civil society organisation that prepares the ‘shadow’ or ‘alternative’ report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, is representing at the UN in Geneva this week to ensure that civil society perspectives are shared as part of the Committee’s process.
Over the next week or so we’ll be blogging from Geneva, keeping you in touch with developments on the ground - the discussions and ideas about how we make children’s rights real in Aotearoa.
So make sure you check in on this News section of our website and keep in touch with how we are going over here as we represent on behalf of our members and friends. The process of reporting on children’s rights to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has very much been a collective civil society process over the past couple of years in the build up to New Zealand’s review - so we want to share this part of the process with you here.
Ngā mihi from the Alliance team on the ground in Geneva,
Andy Jamison - Executive Director, Dr Claire Achmad - Deputy Chair, Jacqui Southey, Steering Committee Member