Call to action: Section 7AA and children’s rights

“I have also lived through years of abuse and isolation, fueling an identity crisis as a young boy raised in our state care system. It’s a system that didn’t value my whakapapa, culture, or whānau.” - Tupua Urlich (Ngāti Kahungunu and Croatian whakapapa), National Care Experienced Lead for VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai

The Children’s Rights Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand (CRAANZ) is opposed to the repealing of Section 7AA, and are concerned it will cause further harm to tamariki Māori and is not consistent with the Government’s duty to respect the right of the child to their identity and language (Article 8 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989). We are preparing a joint submission, and invite our members and networks to participate. Express your interest here.

What is section 7AA?

Section 7AA was introduced in 2019 and requires the Ministry for Children’s duty to prioritise whakapapa solutions and protect the cultural identities of Aotearoa’s tamariki and mokopuna. It reflects a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and a vision that ‘no tamaiti Māori will need state care’ by:

  • Addressing Disparities: Requires Oranga Tamariki to work towards reducing socio-economic and historical disparities for Māori with clear goals and outcomes.

  • Respecting Connection and Culture: Ensuring that policies and services consider mana tamaiti, whakapapa, and whanaungatanga.

  • Strengthening Partnerships: Developing ongoing partnerships with hapu, iwi, and Māori-led organisations to support tamariki.

  • Increasing Accountability: Mandating annual public reports on the Ministry’s actions and their impacts.

The Government introduced legislation to repeal Section 7AA on 12 May 2024. Submissions on the Oranga Tamariki (Repeal of Section 7AA) Amendment Bill are open until 3 July, 2024, more information is available here

Our position

We believe Section 7AA helps ensure tamariki Māori have their best interests protected through state care processes, by recognising the importance of cultural connection and the rights of indigenous children to their identity. This is a crucial piece of legislation, considering the over-representation of tamariki Māori in care and our collective commitments to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Our position therefore is that section 7AA is important to uphold in relation to Aotearoa’s commitment to Tiriti o Waitangi, and international rights frameworks including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. A full position statement will be released shortly.

Get involved

CRAANZ will support the development of a joint submission. Express your interest in being involved here.

  • Make an individual submission here. We will also be in touch with further resources to support individual submissions.

  • Sign the ‘Save Section 7AA’ petition here.

  • Share your updates and actions with us for promotion across our channels using this form


Joint submission: Section 7AA


Children’s rights under threat in Aotearoa